News - 123cargo
Company activity indicator displayed on company profiles on 123cargo
Product features 24-Aug-2018
Starting from today, August 27, in your company profile you will find a brief and concise description of the activity on our platform. Consequently, in the company profile, above the company scoring, ...
NEW! You can pay by credit card on 123cargo
Administrative news 21-Aug-2018
Starting from today, October 15th, the online card payment service was implemented on 123cargo. 123cargo customers have the opportunity to renew their subscription using the fastest and cheapest paym ...
New feature on 123cargo
Product features 21-Aug-2018
Starting today, August 21, a new search solution has been implemented for you on 123cargo platform: you can view on map all the • companies • fleets • warehouses Looking for a partner in a specifi ...
123cargo is member of NSBS
Administrative news 20-Jul-2018
From January 2018 we are proud to say once more that we are a member of NSBS Association for Freight Forwarding, Transport and Logistics, More than 100 top Bulgarian forwarders have ...
Real time check of the Romanian Transport Licenses
Product features 20-Jul-2018
123cargo in collaboration with the Romanian Road Authority provides the on-line service to verify the Transport and Forwarding license of all 123cargo Romanian members. In addition, the truck licenses ...
New features in 123Cargo
Product features 26-Jun-2018
REVERSE SEARCH and REAL-TIME TRAFFIC RESTRICTIONS INFORMATION REVERSE SEARCH is the symbol for "Reverse search sense" and helps you find return shipping solutions very quickly The button is loc ...
123cargo company profiles visible and consulted in Teleroute
Product features 25-Jun-2018
Parts of the same group - ALPEGA, 123cargo and Teleroute have exchanged freight offers for more than 10 years. NOW 123cargo is also exchanging company profiles with Teleroute! Starting from today, 1 ...
Chat in 123cargo
Product features 21-Jun-2018
DO YOU KNOW YOU CAN DISCUSS WITH OTHER 123CARGO MEMBERS USING OUR CHAT APPLICATION? The Chat App is easy to use and helps you communicate quickly with other 123Cargo users or between users of your ...
More countries, the same freight exchange
Product features 21-Jun-2018
More countries, the same freight exchange Romanians say Marfuri. Bulgarians say Товари. Hungarians say Rakomány. Polish say Ładunki. Serbian say Robe. But they all use the same freight e ...