Risks in electronic freight exchanges

123cargo by terms and conditions try to diminish the 2 main risks of any freight exchange: difficulties in transport invoice collection from the client and the theft of the load handed to the hauler for transport

1. Difficulties in transport invoice cash collection

This risk is easy to control in 123cargo due to the payment incidents mechanism, which proved in years of experience to be fast and efficient: 91% of claimed companies prefer to pay the invoice instead being published in the list.

2. Load theft

This is the most dangerous risk by the big damage caused to the shipper. It might happen either when the thief uses a fake identity of a carrier either when the thief acquires in theft purpose a real and existing transport company.

Why is 123cargo a safe market place?

2024 history

Concerning the load theft


published loads in 123cargo


load theft situations reported to 123cargo


chances for your load to be stolen by using 123cargo

2024 history

Difficulties in transport invoice collection

100% of guaranteed invoices, not solved through a payment incident, were collected




of the claims conciliated in maximum 8 days


chances that your overdue collection to be conciliated through 123cargo

free service

The claim of a payment incident is included in subscription fee

2024 history

Our unsolicited actions for a safe market place
(16,874 average number of customers in 2024)


restricted customers from posting loads till the conciliation of payment incidents


banned companies for commercial risk


Romanian Police information requests regarding investigations on frauds


refused applications for 123cargo subscription

Information on risks

Are you a forwarder?

Risks related to disappearance of loads after loading

Find out more

Are you a carrier?

Risks related to collection of a transport invoice and unwillingly involvement
in the stealing of loads

Find out more

Are you a driver?

Risks related to unwillingly involvement in the stealing of loads

Find out more

Are you a shipper?

Risks related to steal of loaded loads

Find out more
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