123cargo is member of NSBS

Administrative news |  20-Jul-2018

From January 2018 we are proud to say once more that we are a member of NSBS Association for Freight Forwarding, Transport and Logistics, www.nsbs.bg/en/
More than 100 top Bulgarian forwarders have certified that 123cargo is a safe freight exchange that brings added value to the transport community.
The increasing commercial trades between Romania and Bulgaria proves that is mandatory to find the best solution of working together, to find that formula in order to develop a trust worthy community.
NSBS choose us for an equal partner due to our:
- 16 years of experience and commitment in the Transport industry, being market leader in Romania
- The only freight exchange that developed the link between Europeans, the long - term contract module
- Cost effective license package suitable for forwarders and carriers
- Constant attention for the payment and transport incidents to keep the correct balance
- Our connection with Teleroute FX brings the western loads accessible to the eastern carriers

Bringing together forwarders and carriers!

123cargo is member of NSBS
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