In the past few months there have been three types of user’s actions with negative impact:
- The consistent abuse of load posting, to the point where a single planner/dispatcher user would have, apparently, tens and even hundreds of transport requests to be solved on the same day. The minimum reasonable time required for the processing of a transport request by a human user is considered by 123cargo to be of 15’, which leads to a maximum reasonable processing capacity of 30 to 35 orders per working day by a user.
- The consistent abuse of uplifting on top of the list of available loads of their own posts by systematically changing them insignificantly.
- The abuse of consulting the companies directory in a way completely unjustified by the transport activity, with probably other purposes than the identification of the transport partners.
In view of these issues, the 123cargo team has implemented mechanisms to protect the loads consultants and the data published in the company profile with a strict purpose of providing transparency to future transport partners. The mechanisms are covered by administrative measures available to the administration.
We draw attention to the following changes to the regulations, as main ideas and the section where they are mentioned:
- Without getting involved in the agreement of the parties (the contract/transport order), 123cargo disclaims the clauses considered abusive in relation to good professional practices, used in transactions established with the help of 123cargo. The clear reference to the clause encountered by which the subcontractor is temporarily prohibited from declaring the payment incident in the platform. As such, 123cargo reserves the right not to accept the subscription renewal from these companies. Art. B.7.
- Disclaims the load overpostings (SPAM) carried out by 2 methods: the consistent posting of loads similar with others already posted (minor differences in route, load attributes, necessary equipment), or the systematic but insignificant change of active loads (already posted) in order to place them again at the top of the list of available loads, to the full attention of the consultants. Administrative actions and measures are defined that can lead to the withdrawal of membership. Art. C.6, E.3, E.5. and E.7
- The clarification that the 123cargo pages, especially company profiles, are meant to provide to potential partners transparency and their consulting is strictly used to solve their own road transport needs. 123cargo disclaims the consulting of this information for other purposes or in excess. Administrative measures available. Art. D.1, D.3, E.3
- Clarifications in order to support the current administrative measures. For example, load posters without forwarder license may be excluded from posting the load until they obtain the license. Unfortunately, the forwarder license does not include any obligation to pay the transport services to subcontractors, but its non-existence borders the abnormal in the case of companies posting load.
We invite you to send us comments and points of view to regarding the issues we have informed you about.
123cargo administration