Exchange rate and Currency convertor
All conversions are made based on the exchange rate of the National bank of Romania valid on the selected day.
Exchange rate and Currency convertor
VALID 26-03-2025
1 RON |
1. 0000
1 EUR |
4. 9754
1 USD |
4. 5966
1 GBP |
5. 9532
1 HUF |
0. 0125
1 MDL |
0. 2542
1 BGN |
2. 5439
1 CZK |
0. 2000
1 CHF |
5. 2112
1 PLN |
1. 1939
1 UAH |
0. 1102
1 TRY |
0. 1209
1 RSD |
0. 0424
Last 12 months