News - 123cargo
At the suggestion of users: filtering of the loads with displayed price only
Product features 10-Mar-2021
When searching for loads, in addition to the existing filtering criteria, the option to select only the loads that include the price (the available budget indicated when publishing the loads, ie th ...
2020 report
Administrative news 08-Feb-2021
123cargo/BursaTransport is part of the Alpega group of companies which is dedicated to electronic services for transport and logistics operators. The Alpega group includes the Teleroute, Wtrans ...
Hungary introduces the obligation to register the international transports in the BIREG platform
General 29-Jan-2021
On the last day of 2020, the Ministry of Innovation and Technology of Hungary published in the Official Gazette a Decree by which all companies holding an international road freight carrier’s licen ...
Changes for answers received on „search truck” feature
Product features 14-Jan-2021
Unlike the post of a transport request (for goods) which must be loaded in location A and unloaded in location B, a transport offer (available truck) can be published in several ways: CITY-CI ...
Blacklist – the new service for customized searches
Product features 08-Dec-2020
Over-posting – the multiple posting of the same load in similar versions – is a phenomenon that has grown in the last period, but 123cargo is trying to discourage it. Along with the tools alrea ...
Transport invoice guarantee
Safety 16-Nov-2020
The service is offered in partnership by ALPEGA (Teleroute, Wtransnet, 123cargo freight exchanges) and COFACE Belgium, as an insurance partner. The new service, available on the new version of ...
Truck navigation system: How to choose the right GPS?
General 06-Nov-2020
In the road transport industry, over the past 15 years the technology has offered fast solutions to drivers in transit through new areas, within certain time limits. Due to the high-performance nav ...
What do you need to know before becoming a truck driver?
General 29-Oct-2020
More and more young people want to become professional truck drivers, but not many understand what this job implies, especially when we talk about international freight transport.Given the developm ...
Regulation’s amendment: new reasons for temporary suspension from publication of goods
Administrative news 27-Oct-2020
As a result of Administration’s right to amend the regulation concerning the computer application in line with the incumbent happenings, the administrative measure of temporary suspension of the ri ...