
In this section, there are published relevant things about the freight - related platform or events. The news is mainly oriented to the community of the user, provided that the user views the pages of the application in the language of his country of residence.

We mention the news archive in Romanian language, which carries the consultant back to the first years of operation of the application, under the name BursaTransport, in Romania.


News - 123cargo

Conditions for drugs transport and delivery

General 29-Jul-2020

  The optimal distribution of medicines is based on a well-developed logistics, described by transports that strictly respect the norms in force. For example, refrigerated transport solutions are a d ...

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Fatigue while driving: Useful tips for long-distance drivers

General 22-Jul-2020

  According to the latest statistics from the European Union, about a third of all road accidents are caused by the fatigue of those who ignore the importance of rest, when behind the wheel. The same ...

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Company and vehicle documents available to your partners in the company profile

Product features 21-Jul-2020

    Following the idea suggested by the users, we implemented in the company profile the Company Documents section. Starting today, 21st of July 2020, you have the possibility to scan and upload, ...

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Temporary measure removal

Administrative news 14-Jul-2020

We would like to thank all the members of 123cargo community for responding to our solidarity calls launched during the pandemic crisis.   Following the reduction of restrictions all over Europe, st ...

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Contact data forgery

Safety 26-Jun-2020

  Attention: identity theft example! We received a warning about an identity theft, from a transport fraud investigator, and we share the information with you. The real company, whose identity wa ...

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Feedback for 123cargo’s assistance

Administrative news 15-May-2020

Starting today, following your call to 123cargo, you will have the possibility to communicate your assessment on the received assistance.   Your evaluation will be made on a scale from 1 to 5 stars. ...

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Payment incidents in pandemic crisis

Administrative news 06-May-2020

  Giving the economic crisis generated by the Coronavirus pandemic, 123cargo administration considers that it is difficult to assess which companies are economically affected by the pandemic and whic ...

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Share of the employed in transport ocupation

General 22-Apr-2020

In 2019, 11.6 million people aged over 15 were employed in transport occupations in the European Union, representing 6% of all people employed   Among the EU Member States, Bulgaria recorded the hig ...

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3 months subscription

Administrative news 08-Apr-2020

We are constantly trying to come forward in helping our clients as much as we can, especially during this period. We have created a new type of subscription, available to all our users:   3 months ...

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Support form